Acting Labor Secretary Announces Apprenticeship Program Funding

The investment is intended to modernize, diversify, and expand the registered apprenticeship system.

Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su recently announced that $224 million has been released to expand and update the federal government’s Registered Apprenticeship program. This is the largest amount of money to be invested into this program to date, offering hands-on training for a number of career paths, including advanced manufacturing, teaching, hospitality, and construction. The money will be distributed to 52 grantees in 32 states.

“Today’s historic investment in Registered Apprenticeships – the superhighways of our workforce infrastructure system – demonstrates the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to both America’s workers and employers,” said Acting Secretary Su. “This interconnected system will help to ensure that all communities benefit from the jobs created by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Acting Secretary Su as she guides the investments of the Labor Department.
  • For the American workers who will receive essential training for their careers.
  • For members of the president’s administration as they provide tools to support employment in the United States.

Sources: AP News, Department of Labor


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